Drum Intel

Drum tips, tricks, product reviews, and more.

The Most Versatile Bass Drum Heads

Drummers have more bass drum head options than ever before. It seems every year manufacturers add heads with different thicknesses and design features, often appealing to drummers who play a specific genre of music. If you mainly play a certain style, there are probably a few heads tailored to your sound. A website like DrumheadSelector.com […]

Want To Become A Better Drummer? Slow Down!

There are lots of ways to become a better drummer. Practicing consistently, playing with other musicians, learning multiple styles, and learning rudiments, for example. All of these will make you a better overall player. Well, there’s something else that can really give your drumming a boost – something that’s too-often ignored, even by experienced players. […]

The Most Popular Bottom Drumheads

Bottom drumheads play an important role in getting a great drum sound. While not struck, these heads resonate in tandem with batter heads and drum shells. That’s why bottom heads are also called ‘resonant’ heads or ‘reso’ heads. They provide much of the tone to toms and bass drums, and create articulation for snare drums. […]

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