Drum Intel

Drum tips, tricks, product reviews, and more.

4 Common Drumhead Mistakes

When you think of drumming mistakes, you might think of botching a backbeat, flubbing a fill, or dropping a drumstick.  Those are mistakes every drummer makes from time to time while playing.  But drummers often make mistakes with their drumheads, too.  These are the types of mistakes that can make drummers sound worse, waste money, […]

The Best Hi-Hats for Jazz, By Sound

Ride cymbals may get most of the attention among jazz drummers, but hi-hats play their own important role. From traditional off-beat foot chicks to driving eighth-notes propelling a groove, hi-hats can make or break the vibe of any jazz drummer’s performance. But which hats should you buy? The challenge of finding the right hi-hats for […]

An Introduction To Drum Soundchecks

If you haven’t done a live soundcheck before, the process may seem a little intimidating. What are you supposed to do? What shouldn’t you do? Why is it even necessary? Well, fret not! We’ll answer those questions in this introduction to drum soundchecks, so you can go on stage without feeling like you might screw […]

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